Friday, May 23, 2014

Looking for a Maintenance Detox Program focused on the Lymph System?

Cleaning out your Lymphatic System by detoxifying your body is probably one of the best things you could do for your physical, mental, and emotional health at this very moment.
The Lymphatic System
Your lymphatic system is where 90% of all disease processes begin.  When this highway system is congested and cannot eliminate well, it backs up the whole "sewer system" of the body, causing  a lack of improper elimination of cellular/metabolic wastes (acids), as well as toxic chemicals and metals that have been ingested.  These toxins must be eliminated or cellular death will occur.

Your lymph system is a vital part of your immune system.  To enhance your immune system, clean out your lymphatic system first.  Remember, your kidneys, colon and skin are the exit doors of your lymphatic system.  Most people have lost proper lymph filtration via their kidneys, their intestinal bowel walls are impacted, and many don't sweat well.  This means that their doors are partly closed in allowing their sewage or wastes to be properly eliminated.  This then backs up the lymph system and enlarges the lymph nodes.  When this goes on for many years, you will see all types of health conditions develop.

Unfortunately, the medical profession does not understand the importance of the lymph system as the body's sewer system, nor do they have the tools to clean it out, so they generally resort to removing parts of the lymph system when they become congested, toxic, and stop functioning properly.  Unfortunately, this strategy of cutting things out without addressing the root cause of the issue is very shortsighted and only serves to impair the ability of the body to remove acids/waste in the future, compounding the problem of lymphatic congestion and acidosis, and setting the stage for future degeneration and health issues.   For example, the tonsils, appendix, and various lymph nodes, are all a part of the lymph system.  Inflamed tonsils, a ruptured appendix, and swollen lymph nodes, indicate high levels of lymph congestion.  Removing these areas of the body handicaps the body in being able to remove its wastes, and has serious long term consequences.

Does Your Body Need a Tune Up?


In today's toxic environment, I recommend at a very basic level, detoxing your body every quarter for 2-4 weeks by combining an 80-100% raw food diet with the power of herbal botanicals to cleanse your body and restore health to organs and glands that have weakened over the years due to poor diet and lifestyle choices.


Detoxification is not just about eliminating toxins.  It is also about recognizing that your diet and lifestyle choices have accelerated the aging of your internal organs and glands.  That means diet change and the decision to "eat healthy" is not always enough to mitigate the damage done over one's lifetime.  It also means that organs and glands that would have generally given out in older age are now functioning at lowered capacity much earlier in life, which can give rise to a whole host of syndromes and conditions.  Medical doctors don't have tools to restore the health of weakened tissues and at most they can offer are drugs and treatments that silence symptoms or temporary workarounds.   The herbs were put here by Nature to help us heal ourselves.  Raw foods are great for self-healing, but adding in the power of the herbs adds regenerative power unlike any other modality or approach.  Seize the opportunity to use this powerful resource for healing and extending the life of all the cells in your body. 


If you are experience any sort of symptom, I always recommend to TRY DETOX FIRST.  Many symptoms disappear on their own when the cells of the body no longer have to deal with toxins and congestion that were keeping the cells of the body from doing their job.  I've seen many people who were subjected to treatments with harmful side effects for years, because they never were educated about the benefits of detoxing their body.  And upon cleansing their body, they found they simply didn't need their medications anymore.
And If you are dealing with chronic health challenges and feel you need focused attention and one-on-one guidance and support, you may want to consider my 3 month Maximum Health Detox Programs, that combine raw foods, herbs, and holistic support,  and thathelp you understand both the underlying physical and metaphysical issues that are triggering your health issues and keeping you from moving forward in your healing journey.

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