Sunday, May 4, 2014


How does Tai Chi works?
          Tai Chi heals body by encouraging Chi (life forces) to flow through the acupuncture meridians. Chi connects the mind and body with each other and the world. It is what the strands of the web of life are made of.
          The acupuncture meridians run through the entire body, connecting every part. They are different from the nerves, blood and lymphatic vessels, but they influence these and other body system because they run through them all.
          With age, the flow of Chi through the channels can be impaired by mental and physical te4nsions, poor diet, unhealthy lifestyle and illness.
          When Chi is practice daily, the flow of Chi through all the acupuncture meridians can be increased, and health and vitality regained. Many people come to Tai Chi later in life because of this wonderful rejuvenating aspect.
          Each Tai-Chi move slightly flexes a tendon, which encourages Chi to flow along the associated acupuncture meridian. The organs through which that meridian passes are energized and strengthened.
          Muscles are relaxed during Tai Chi, so the flow of blood and Chi is not restricted. Where Chi goes, blood flows, so by increasing the Chi flow you boost the circulation of blood.

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