Sunday, May 25, 2014

What is Biodetoxification?
Biodetoxification is the chemical modification of internal waste products produced by the liver. These chemicals may come from our own biologic processes or from the environment in the form of chemicals, pesticides, heavy metals, food additives or pollution, to name just a few. Harmful substances are ubiquitous and impact us daily through our food, water and even the air we breathe. Often, foods we think to be good for us contain harmful substances which may lead to chronic health conditions. Over time, without proper elimination of these substances from our tissues and organs, a process called biochemical accumulation occurs. This increases the likelihood of common medical complaints such as fatigue, weakness, headaches, depression, muscle aches and pains, irritable bowel syndrome, anxiety, PMS symptoms and chronic backaches.

Why do we need to detoxify?
       Dr. Diqne Spindler states that, in today's toxic environment, tissue acid wastes, chemical and heavy metal residues build up in the body faster than ever before, resulting in a greater incidence of allergies, mental, and physical incapacitation. We have begun to hear more about herbal and homeopathic detoxification programs by alternative health practitioners as a way of reducing symptoms and maintaining health.
       Spindles maintains that, "all healing traditions - Egyptian, Native American, Ayurvedic, Homeopathic, Chinese, Shamanic - except Western Medicine offer body purification as a means of healing and avoiding disease. Pimples, rashes, dark circles under the eyes, swollen joints, yellow, green and blotched complexions often indicate a buildup of tissue acid wastes inside the body". Modifying your diet along with the Ion Cleanse Detox Machine sessions will substantially reduce and even eliminate these conditions.
       More than ever, we are exposed to major amounts of toxicity, which is why detoxification is essential in avoiding disease and maintaining optimum health. The Ionic Cleanse Detox Machine, along with a healthy diet and low stress will provide a thorough and proficient way to maintain long-term elevated levels of energy and wellness. The Ion Cleanse Detox Machine aids in purifying the body more effectively due to its ability to reduce stress, subsequently causing relaxation.
       The cells in our body are electric, therefore the human body is electric. Bodily diseases and ailments have vibrating frequencies that are not compatible with the body's healthy cells causing a disruption of the cell's inherent polarity and oscillation. When this occurs it creates a natural imbalance and upheaval within all affected cells. Cells, when imbalanced, impede the body's functions that facilitate healing, including eliminating heavy metals, parasites and other toxins. However, cells that are fully charged have more oxygen and have the capability to undergo electrical balance that results in elevated mental attitude, energy, vitality, and well-being. This balance elevates awareness along with our sense of the mind and body. Studies have shown the Ion Cleanse Detox Machine improves oxygen levels.
       Ions are atoms or molecules that have lost or gained electrons, and free radicals are unpaired electrons. If the atom or molecule loses electrons then they become positively charged ions, and if they gain electrons, they become negatively charged ions. This ionic technique of cleansing with the foot bath provides a full body purge of all the body's vital organs, which result in a reduction of menopausal symptoms, menstrual cramps, vaginal dryness, candida or yeast related infections, sexual health issues, a variety of skin problems such as acne and wrinkles, sleep disorders including restlessness, stress and toothaches. The Ionic Cleanse Detox Machine also results in more rapid disease healing and injury recovery.
       Science has determined water to have as almost perfect balance of positive and negative ions, and because the body is composed of about 70% water, the body's ability to interact with water is eminent. When you immerse a body mass into water, the vibrational frequency of the water affects the vibration frequency of the body due to the interaction of the magnetic and electrical fields. Consequently the Ion Cleanse Detox Machine is on the best types of detoxifiers. It is an amazingly exceptional natural healing product. It is painless, and has no harmful side-effects.

Benefits of Biodetoxification Therapy:
     1. HEALTHY WEIGHT LOSS: which will increase your metabolism, reactivate the body's fat burning mechanisms, release the fat cells that hold toxins, reduce cellulite & easily maintain the weight that is correct for you.
     2. MORE ENERGY, BETTER STATE OF MIND: think more clearly, feel lighter, and have energy which will boost your well being.
     3. RESTORE AND REGAIN HEALTH: create a stronger immunity for yourself. Have fewer aches and pains, reduce allergies and flu symptoms, help activate the body's NATURAL intelligence to heal itself.
     4. RID YOUR BODY OF TOXINS: eliminate the discomfort of detox, remove heavy metals, chemicals & toxins easily & comfortably from your body.
     5. RECEIVE RELIEF: of discomfort from sore and aching joints, which are symptoms of arthritis and bursitis.
     6. MAINTAIN GOOD HEALTH: Obtain high energy levels and long term wellness.
     7. UNBURDEN YOUR BODY: of herbicides, pesticides, colorings, additives, preservatives and other untold chemicals that reside our water, food and air.
     8. QUICK, EASY AND AFFORDABLE SOLUTION: The more toxins we maintain, the faster we age & the faster our bodies breaks down. The immediate benefits are an increase in energy & overall well being, a healthier disposition, a better state of mind, weight loss, an increased metabolism, improved digestion which will help in restoring balance to the body & its organs & lessening the body's symptoms of discomfort. The aging process is slowed & the skin is able to rejuvenate itself correctly, THE WAY NATURE INTENDED!
     9. SLOW THE AGING PROCESS AND LOOK YOUNGER: Clear skin, remove rough discolored areas, smoothen dark areas under the eyes, lighten our skins color & NATURAL beauty will immediately radiate through. The aging of our skin slows & we are able to gain a more youthful appearance.
     10. REJUVENATION: look & feel great, inside & out, beautify skin & hair.

Friday, May 23, 2014


BioResonance Therapy (BRT) is a painless and quick method of testing and treatment that offers the possibility of specifically treating all kinds of diseases successfully!

This is exciting because many diseases, (and in particular allergic and chronic diseases) are not easily cured and in fact, only rarely are they cured with conventional medical methods.

BRT achieves extremely good success in the following areas:
  • Addictions: to food, alcohol, chemicals, nicotine, emotion
  • Allergies/sensitivities: to healthy food, fats, sugars, alcohol, chemicals, heavy metals (mercury etc), environmental inhaled substances (pollens, grass, petrol etc.)
  • Asthma, Hayfever, Skin problems
  • Hormonal imbalances leading to various complaints including weight problems, menstrual and menopausal issues
  • Psycho-immunology: Illness and stressed conditions where the primary cause lies in some past emotional, mental or physical trauma that the person has never got over fully
Energy is the basic fundamental element of life. Good energy = Good health / Poor energy = Poor health. Therefore if your health is suffering it is your energy that needs attention. If you measure a sound wave then play back that sound wave, the two waves cancel each other out. The result will be silence. This is the same principal with BRT. Since the therapy involves detoxifying the body, side effects such as headaches, nausea, or flu-like symptoms may appear after treatment.
The key to avoiding these adverse reactions is to follow your instructions (don't take a higher dose of your remedy than prescribed) and drink LOTS of water while undergoing your treatment. If these symptoms appear or persist, stop the remedy and call the office.
The testing is done on various acupuncture points on the hands and bare feet using a specialized computer program with stored frequencies from over 70,000 substances. The computer is  connected to the MORA Super and MORA III machines to collect data and provide individualized treatment.

Modern Biophysics has shown that cells resonate at certain frequencies and have radio-like transmitting and receiving properties. These cells inter-communicate and control biological and chemical systems in the body. Healthy harmonic cells resonate at a very different frequency to that of unhealthy cells.

Physicists further discovered that by inverting the disharmonic frequency a neutralizing effect took place, freeing cells and organs of accumulated metabolic waste and toxins. Harmonic wavelengths resonate at between 10 Hz and 150 kHz. This is called homeostasis; or in in other words healthy function.

Bacteria, viruses, allergies, fungi, waste toxins, hormonal imbalances, an improper stress response and electro magnetic pollution from various sources can all obstruct and interfere with cell resonance and function of similar wavelengths. These severely hamper the absorption and metabolism of nutrients at a cellular level; which in turn promotes allergies, illness and disease.


Your body (organ cells, tissues, etc.) emits electromagnetic signals in the form of oscillations. There are 40 major testing points on both the hands and feet which relate to specific organs and systems of the body. The measurements of these points are recorded, and the points with the highest markers of stress are chosen for treatment.

One of the health-team members from CCNM will then test a variety of substances such as foods, hormones, brain chemicals, heavy metals, parasites, viruses and/or environmental pollutants to reveal the cause of the stress.

If the body is strained by these substances, the strain can be reduced or completely eliminated by providing the body with the inverse oscillations (exact counter-information mirror image). You will receive an initial treatment with the machine as well as a supplemental remedy to take home to provide your body with a "boost of the frequencies on a daily basis. With the inversion of these pathological signals, the self-healing power of the body is activated and strengthened. The body then regains control over its regulation and detoxification mechanisms which are vital for all of the bodily systems to stay at full strength.

Struggling to make sense of all these crazy detox symptoms?
You're not alone.
People who understand body cleansing, understand what detoxification symptoms are.  Medical professionals understand the symptoms that make up what we call disease. But the odd thing is that most detoxification symptoms are also the symptoms used to detect a disease.

They can take the form of fevers (toxins trying to leave through the skin), headaches (too many toxins in the bloodstream), acne (toxins trying to make it out through the skin), tiredness (toxins in the blood), sneezing (toxins trying to make their way out through your nose at 95 miles per hour), coughing (toxins trying to get out of our lungs), vomiting (toxins leaving the body through the stomach), diarrhea (toxins exiting the body in mass through the bowel), rashes (toxins attempting to leave through the skin)... The list really goes on and on.

When we see these symptoms most people think that they are sick, even though it is by removing these toxins that our bodies are trying to make us well. In fact, most all of the swine flu symptoms are actually detoxification symptoms. If you start looking at many disease symptoms through this new lens, you'll be amazed at what you find.
When you understand this, the obvious answer to disease is really to detoxify the body and help the body along with its natural disease elimination methods.
But, because most of the population doesn't currently understand what detoxification symptoms are, when the detoxification symptoms occur, much of the population heads to a drug-oriented doctor, who also doesn't understand detoxification symptoms. The doctor confirms that they are sick, and then puts them on some sort of drug that is designed to stop the symptoms.

But, what those drugs really do is stop the detoxification process and bury the toxicity (the original problem) in the body, where it will often creep back up later. When it creeps back up, it will be seen as another and often more serious problem.

So, with drug therapies, you may feel better initially because you've stopped the detoxification process, but you'll feel worse later. Actually, you'll likely become the target of more serious diseases, without understanding how you and your doctors played a role in the process.

(Source:  NaturalNews)

Written by Dr. Robert Morse, N.D

The  following  are  some  examples   of  the  cleansing  processes  that  we  call  the "Healing  Crisis."   During my 40 years of detoxification experience,  I have witnessed  so many different  levels  and types  of healing  crisis,  that I do not have the space to cover them all.   I have enclosed the most common ones, many of which I have which experienced, first hand, from my own personal detoxification efforts.  I have divided these cleansing processes up into three categories: mild, moderate and strong. Each of these levels may be experienced at one time or another.    However, most people do not experience the "strong" levels.  This all depends upon ones' level of toxicity, combined with their systemic (total body) energies or strength.

1.  Cold and flu-like symptoms
2.  Low-grade fevers (99°-100°Fahrenheit)
3.  Coughing with or without discharge
4.  Clear and yellow mucus discharge from nose or throat (lungs. bronchi, etc.; this may include blood)
5.  Minor aches and pains
6.  Mucus in stools
7.  Mucus in urine
8.  Loss of energy (may go up and down)
9.  Rashes and itching
10. Disease symptoms increasing temporarily
11.  Mucus from eyes
12.  Mild headaches
13.  Minor blurred vision
14.  Minor vertigo
15.  Weight loss (average 8-15lbs. in two weeks. Depends upon level of thyroid weakness.  Can be as little as 2 lbs.)
16. Chills
17. Emotional feelings rising up, such as mild crying, anger or even laughter
18. Short term nose bleeds
19. Some rectal bleeding (hemorrhoids or lesions)
20. Minor blood in urine
21. Etc.

1. Symptoms of bronchitis or pneumonia
2. Heavy discharges of green to brown mucus from nose and throat (lungs, bronchi, etc.)
3. Pain in joints
4. Heavy discharge from kidneys (urine color changes to brown, orange or dark yellow, etc.)
5. Pain in old injuries or in degenerative areas of the body.
6. Minor paralysis of limbs
7. Chronic fatigue symptoms
8. Nose bleeds
9. Spasms of the lungs in asthma/emphysema/C.O.P.D.
10. Moderate shortness of breath (asthma, emphysema, C.O.P.D.)
11. Temporary increase in tumor size
12. Disease symptoms magnifying (short-lived)
13. Sores appearing on the skin
14. Oozing of innumerable substances from the skin, especially from the hands and feet
15. Bruising
16. Weak muscle breakdown (muscle from meat protein)
17. Heavy mucus discharge from eyes and ears
18. Vomiting
19. Diarrhea
20. Cellulitis "clumping"
21. Dizziness and/or vertigo
22. Minor heart palpitations
23. Loose teeth (minor)
24. Minor abscesses in mouth
25. Migraines
26. High-grade fever (103°-l05°Fahrenheit)
27. Deep coughing (sometimes dry). Use herbs to loosen and eliminate (expectorate) the impacted mucus.
28. Depression or anxieties
29. Emotional releasing (crying, anger. laughter, etc.)
30. Heavy thoughts (lack of clarity)
31. Skin splitting where heavy toxins exist
32. Excessive itching
33. Mercury tooth fillings can be pushed out by the body
34. Rectal bleeding from past or present hemorrhoids or lesions
35. Etc.

You may experience one or several of the above cleansing effects (healing crisis). Don't panic!  You want these.  I love to see dark green mucus coming out of my patients. That's an excellent sign that they are doing the program correctly and are benefiting from it.
It is always smart to work with a qualified health care practitioner that has hadadvanced experience with detoxification and its side effects.

Most people do not experience the strong level of detoxification described below.  This depends upon the individual and how toxic they are.  And how many medications they're taking is also a factor.  A few people that have chosen to suppress their body's need to cleanse itself, (through steroids like prednisone) have some deeper issues.  However, those who are more likely to experience the above are the chronically toxic (from birth) who manifest cancer, H.I.V. and/or very serious illnesses.

1. Paralysis of any part of the body
2. Black mucus discharges from the lungs
3. Heavy brown discharge or blood in the urine with associated kidney pain
4. Heavy black discharge from the bowels with diarrhea
5. Tumors popping out all over the body
6. Loss of sight
7. Loss of hearing
8. Severe dizziness (or vertigo)
9. Severe fatigue
10. Abscesses developing all through the mouth
11. Loss of fingernails or toenails.
12. Excessive weight loss (this can appear when a pancreatic weakness exists)
13. Severe shortness of breath (use an antispasmodic or inhaler)
14. Temporary deep depression, released through crying, anger, laughter, etc.
15. Mental confusion
16. Skin cracking open
17. Teeth becoming loose (major)
18. Old suppressed symptoms (c.a. "poison ivy") reappear
19. Etc.

Biomagnetic Therapy

The Human Energy Meridians

The Detox Protocol that you will receive after your Detoxification Consultation will include recommended biogmagnetic therapies -- one of the main features of my advanced Detox Programs.
Our subtle life-force energy has been described by various cultures and traditions as  "chi" or "prana", but another word for it is "electromagnetic energy".  This energy is the background current that controls everything in the Universe, including human cell function, circulation, waste elimination, and whether the body can heal and regenerate itself.

When our life-force or cell vitality decreases, the following things occur:

1.  Fatigue
2. Chronic Pain
3. Oxygen Levels Decrease
4.  Fungus/Bacteria Populations Increase
4.  Cells Stop Working / Malfunction
5.  Cell pH Turns Acidic
6.  Chronic Illness Sets In  

Increasing cell vitality is essential to improving your health, overcoming your health challenges, and regenerating your body.
The biomagnets use magnetic fields to amplify the body's natural healing energy and the therapy protocols are both general, to increase energy throughout all  of the energy channels/meridians (see picture above) as well as targeted to regenerate hypo-functioning organs and glands.  
Biomagnetic therapy induces electrical changes within the cell that restore it to it’s normal healthy state.  Because of this, cellular metabolism is boosted, blood cells are regenerated, circulation is improved and oxygen carrying capacity is increased.  

Ultimately, the immune system becomes healthier, the nervous system relaxes, bones and joints become stronger and vital organs such as the liver, kidneys, and colon are able to rid themselves of impurities thus detoxifying the body.

Feedback from Customers Who Have Used Biomagnetic Therapies:
“I had a very bad fall, which required extensive surgery. It left me with a limp and complete numbness above my knee. My doctor told me there was nerve damage and I would have to live with it. I applied the Biomagnets, which took away the pain and the limp. Then I did the advanced protocol and within a week I had feeling in the area. The nerves were being regenerated and the mobility is increasing every day – something the doctor told me would not happen. I feel so hopeful that I will now have my full mobility. It was a horror to be told just live with it.
— Nerve Regeneration
“I am the father of three children. My youngest is now two.
When she was 6 months old, I was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor with no options. I was given 2 months to live. My heart was heavy and I was depressed.
A friend asked me if I wanted to meet people that were
involved with alternative healing. I thought to myself, what do I have to lose? That meeting changed my life. I met Peter Kulish, Founder (Foundation for Magnetic Science). He immediately prescribed a BioMagnetic therapy plan that included Meridian Energizing Therapy, Daytime Sternum Therapy and Nighttime Therapy. I drank Magnetized Negative Water, took Stabilized Oxygen (MSO), changed my eating habits and added colloidal minerals to my diet. I was determined to get well. It’s over a year later now and all traces of the tumor are gone. Today I am cancer-free. I live in Malaysia with my beautiful wife and children and work for the company that is dedicated to helping humanity. R.L., Malaysia”
— Malignant Brain Tumor
“One time when I was having a bad asthma attack. I placed a
BioMagnet on my sternum and immediately felt relief. Unlike
drugs, that took many agonizing minutes before feeling better,
the BioMagnets worked instantly. I told myself that if I ever
felt uneasy about pain or any disease that came my way, the
answer would be BioMagnets. Mr. A M”
— Instant Relief From Asthma
“I am a 70 year old man who has advanced diabetes and
arthritis. These conditions have severely limited my mobility for several years. Even with raised seats, it was still a struggle for me to get up out of a chair.

The BioMagnets first went on my knees and hips and soon the pain subsided and in two days I was able to raise myself out of my chair without using my arms and hands as levers.
My wife has a sleep disorder as well as other general aches and pains. She has been using the Foundation BioMagnets as directed for depression and sleep, including the ones on the top of her head and has slept well the past few nights. She has done so well, she is even willing to not take her regular dose of melatonin and just use the BioMagnets.

She has also suffered an ache in her left foot for over two years. She immediately put one magnet on the top of her foot and the pain subsided instantly. She was absolutely ecstatic.”
— Relief from Arthritis and Insomnia
“I was having painful cramps on the first day of my menstrual
cycle. I applied the Foundation’s Regular BioMagnet over my
lower abdomen and the pain went away within minutes. I also
get headaches and when I get my cycle I started putting the
Power Wafers on my head over the pain and within a few
minutes the pain stopped. K. NJ 2-06”
— Menstrual Cramps Gone
“I wish to let you know that your bio-magnet technology is
helping me a great deal. I’ve been using the bio-magnets for about a month now and I’ve seen definite results which I want to share with you and your staff.

I started using the magnets for my sciatica condition. I’ve been wearing the Regulars all day across my back: red on the spine and green 3 inches on either side on the upper hip. I can honestly say that I have hardly felt my sciatica since I started that protocol and I’m really happy because last year I maxed out on my health insurance allowance for the chiropractor and the pain around my sciatica had not gone away.

I do the Meridian Treatment at night for 15 mns. before falling asleep. That helps me fall asleep quickly and also it helps me sleep thru the night. I noticed the first time I did it that I did not wake up until 5:30 A.M. which was fabulous since otherwise I would have waken up at 2:30 and then again every hour. Now I feel so much more rested in the morning!

The Meridian Treatment has also helped tremendously with circulation. My whole life, I’ve lived with cold hands and feet, all year around. It got to the point where the tip of my fingers and toes were numb.

About a week into doing the Meridian Treatment I noticed the feeling coming back to my extremities! That is truly remarkable!”
— Sciatica Gone, Improved Sleep, Increased Circulation

Looking for a Maintenance Detox Program focused on the Lymph System?

Cleaning out your Lymphatic System by detoxifying your body is probably one of the best things you could do for your physical, mental, and emotional health at this very moment.
The Lymphatic System
Your lymphatic system is where 90% of all disease processes begin.  When this highway system is congested and cannot eliminate well, it backs up the whole "sewer system" of the body, causing  a lack of improper elimination of cellular/metabolic wastes (acids), as well as toxic chemicals and metals that have been ingested.  These toxins must be eliminated or cellular death will occur.

Your lymph system is a vital part of your immune system.  To enhance your immune system, clean out your lymphatic system first.  Remember, your kidneys, colon and skin are the exit doors of your lymphatic system.  Most people have lost proper lymph filtration via their kidneys, their intestinal bowel walls are impacted, and many don't sweat well.  This means that their doors are partly closed in allowing their sewage or wastes to be properly eliminated.  This then backs up the lymph system and enlarges the lymph nodes.  When this goes on for many years, you will see all types of health conditions develop.

Unfortunately, the medical profession does not understand the importance of the lymph system as the body's sewer system, nor do they have the tools to clean it out, so they generally resort to removing parts of the lymph system when they become congested, toxic, and stop functioning properly.  Unfortunately, this strategy of cutting things out without addressing the root cause of the issue is very shortsighted and only serves to impair the ability of the body to remove acids/waste in the future, compounding the problem of lymphatic congestion and acidosis, and setting the stage for future degeneration and health issues.   For example, the tonsils, appendix, and various lymph nodes, are all a part of the lymph system.  Inflamed tonsils, a ruptured appendix, and swollen lymph nodes, indicate high levels of lymph congestion.  Removing these areas of the body handicaps the body in being able to remove its wastes, and has serious long term consequences.

Does Your Body Need a Tune Up?


In today's toxic environment, I recommend at a very basic level, detoxing your body every quarter for 2-4 weeks by combining an 80-100% raw food diet with the power of herbal botanicals to cleanse your body and restore health to organs and glands that have weakened over the years due to poor diet and lifestyle choices.


Detoxification is not just about eliminating toxins.  It is also about recognizing that your diet and lifestyle choices have accelerated the aging of your internal organs and glands.  That means diet change and the decision to "eat healthy" is not always enough to mitigate the damage done over one's lifetime.  It also means that organs and glands that would have generally given out in older age are now functioning at lowered capacity much earlier in life, which can give rise to a whole host of syndromes and conditions.  Medical doctors don't have tools to restore the health of weakened tissues and at most they can offer are drugs and treatments that silence symptoms or temporary workarounds.   The herbs were put here by Nature to help us heal ourselves.  Raw foods are great for self-healing, but adding in the power of the herbs adds regenerative power unlike any other modality or approach.  Seize the opportunity to use this powerful resource for healing and extending the life of all the cells in your body. 


If you are experience any sort of symptom, I always recommend to TRY DETOX FIRST.  Many symptoms disappear on their own when the cells of the body no longer have to deal with toxins and congestion that were keeping the cells of the body from doing their job.  I've seen many people who were subjected to treatments with harmful side effects for years, because they never were educated about the benefits of detoxing their body.  And upon cleansing their body, they found they simply didn't need their medications anymore.
And If you are dealing with chronic health challenges and feel you need focused attention and one-on-one guidance and support, you may want to consider my 3 month Maximum Health Detox Programs, that combine raw foods, herbs, and holistic support,  and thathelp you understand both the underlying physical and metaphysical issues that are triggering your health issues and keeping you from moving forward in your healing journey.

What Can Your Eyes Tell You About Your Health?
The root causes of most disease are toxic, weak, and congested cells. Iridology can help you identify which parts of your body are toxic, weak, and congested, before health conditions become chronic and serious. &nbspThis type of information is essential for preventing and reversing chronic illness.  Plus, the iris will reflect visible changes as you cleanse your body and restore health and vitality to all your cells, so it can also serve as a tool for monitoring your progress on your healing journey.